Today’s fabrics are more original and innovative than ever; many are computer designed and digitally produced. This offers creatives working with such fabrics a lot of options for their crafts. It also encourages simple fabric souvenir collectors to go looking for interesting and stimulating swatches. Some shops have turned into tourist stops and are taking their unique locations to encourage customers.

Key Takeaways:

  • For a recent family trip to North Carolina’s Outer Banks, Mary Kate planned to bring some hand quilting projects along to make good use of her time.
  • She ordered a quilt panel from an online shop that sells popular fabric souvenirs of vacation destinations.
  • The internet allows us to source fabric from any part of the world from the comfort of our homes, but the in-person experience of bringing a quilt memento back from your travels can be even more fulfilling.

“Between Marsha’s concept and Brooke’s artwork, they came up with a design that they print through Spoonflower and sell directly to customers.”

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