Vine Creek Bordering – 9270 14 by Kansas Trouble Quilters for Moda fabrics. Fabric is all new premium quality 100% Moda cotton. Yardage is sold by the quarter yard and quantity purchased will be shipped in uncut yardage. More in this Collection available in our store while supplies last. See photos of this entire line above. Use store search engine to find. Collection Description: A vintage floral stripe inspired the collection of “viney” prints for this line. The name, Vine Creek, is taken from a small rusty road sign remembering a tiny town in central Kansas. Vine Creek used to be a busting cattle community with a large stockyard, restaurant, post office, hotel, livery and more. In the days of cattle drives, thousands of head of cattle were herded into Vine Creek so ranchers could ship their stock all over the country with the convenience of the railroad. Since the early 1900’s it’s empty, dusty streets are a sign of the changing times.
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